Action Center on Race and the Economy Institute

Grant Type: Program Support

Duration: January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024

Organization Overview

Action Center on Race and the Economy Institute (ACRE Institute) provides research, communications infrastructure, and strategic support for local organizations fighting for racial and economic justice. ACRE Institute helps communities understand how corporations create and uphold racial and economic inequality and develop strategies for holding those corporations accountable.


The Action Center on Race and the Economy Institute (ACRE Institute) drives issue campaigns that seek to win structural change by directly challenging and correcting extractive financial and corporate practices that have harmed communities of color and poor families for generations. ACRE Institute partners with organizations involved in racial, economic, environmental, and educational justice issue campaigns to provide strategic campaign coordination and infrastructure with an explicit racial justice analysis.

Crescendo is a project of ACRE, LittleSis, and MPower Change that focuses on researching and campaigning against corporate complicity in Islamophobia and anti-Muslim bigotry. They take on corporations that profit from anti-Muslim violence, companies that provide platforms for or promote anti-Muslim bigotry, and institutions that fund Islamophobia by providing financial support to organizations, politicians, and others engaged in attacks on Muslims. “Crescendo” means to become louder or more intense over time. Through exposing and challenging anti-Muslim corporations, Crescendo aims to build the power of Muslims in the United States over time until it reaches a crescendo. Crescendo is also derived from the same root as “crescent,” a symbol commonly associated with Islam.

Year founded: 2017

Location: Chicago, IL
