Our Portfolio
Islamic Scholarship Fund
Grant Type: General Support
Duration: Jan 1, 2019 - Dec 31, 2019
Organization Overview:
The Islamic Scholarship Fund is dedicated to changing public opinion and policy towards Islam and Muslims by providing scholarships to American Muslim students majoring in media, law and policy, and awarding grants to filmmakers producing stories about the American Muslim community.
Request Overview:
In 2019, the Islamic Scholarship Fund seeks general support as it plans a dynamic gathering to nurture its powerful community of alumni leaders committed to advancing American Muslim inclusion on many fronts. With more than 300 alumni with majors and careers in law, media, and policy, ISF will make space for alumni to network with each other and professional executives, to develop partnerships and advance social justice work across disciplines. Prominent alumni with leadership in one of the tracks will guide the content for each and will solicit the involvement of outside facilitators/presenters. The gathering will also include a mix of roundtables and creative strategy sessions to tackle issues impacting Muslim communities.
Year founded: 2009
Location: Newark, CA
Website: https://islamicscholarshipfund.org/