Our Portfolio
We Are All America
Grant Type: Program Support
Duration: January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024
Organization Overview
We Are All America (WAAA) works to uphold and strengthen our nation’s commitment to welcome and protect those seeking freedom, safety, and refuge in the United States. WAAA organizes people across religious and cultural differences to build inclusive communities where we all belong.
The We Are All America (WAAA) campaign was established in 2017 in response to the urgent need to bring together U.S.-based refugee rights and resettlement, immigrant rights, and faith-based groups to reclaim public support for policies and practices that protect and welcome refugees, many of whom are Muslim. Housed under the National Partnership for New Americans, WAAA functions independently with its own director, steering committee, and budget. WAAA was founded in direct response to the hate and vitriolic attacks of the Trump administration by leading resettlement agencies and other national partners, including Church World Service, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, National Partnership for New Americans, Refugee Congress, Refugee Council USA, Alianza Americas, and International Rescue Committee.
WAAA has led the emergence of an effective national organizing infrastructure that can mobilize public support for people fleeing violence and persecution, counter nativist forces, and develop more welcoming policies and practices that have a greater effect on Muslim immigrants and refugees. The WAAA campaign has increased its number of state-based organizers, from 5 states in 2017 to 25 states today. WAAA’s collective field represents the largest national grassroots organizing effort on behalf of refugees and asylees in the nation, largely comprised of organizers who came to the U.S. as refugees and asylees and are overwhelmingly Muslim, Middle Eastern, and/or African.
Year founded: 2017
Location: Chicago, IL
Website: https://www.weareallus.org/