Pillars Fund

Statement Regarding New Zealand Mosque Massacres

Posted By Staff  /   March 15, 2019

We are devastated by the news that a white supremacist has murdered 49 worshippers and injured dozens of others at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. Our hearts go out to the victims as well as those most impacted by their tragic deaths, including their families, friends, coworkers, and classmates.

We encourage Muslims in our communities here in the United States, as well as around the world, to take care of themselves and to be aware of their surroundings. Secondary trauma affects many people in our communities. Muslim Wellness Foundation has created a helpful toolkit for coping with trauma that includes a section on “Coping with Traumatic Events & News.” We encourage anyone who may find it beneficial to have a look, and please share with others who may need it right now.

This is a heavy day for all Muslims, as well as all those committed to a safe, just, and inclusive world. It has underscored the reality that Islamophobia knows no boundaries, and that we must all remain collaborative and creative in our efforts to counter hate, whether promoted by politicians, media personalities, extremist groups, or individuals.

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