Pillars Fund

Catalyze Fund: Apply for a Pillars Grant by August 3

Posted By Pillars Fund  /   July 22, 2021

Pillars is accepting your best ideas for the 2021-22 Catalyze Grant cycle for just two more weeks! This Call for Ideas is open to new applicants until August 3 at 5:00 p.m. Central.


The Pillars Catalyze Fund is ideal for nonprofit organizations working in or closely alongside Muslim communities in the United States and aligned with at least one of our three focus areas:

  • Reimagining public safety – Work that strives to end the unjust criminalization of Muslim communities. This includes issues like mass surveillance, racial and religious profiling, immigrant detention and deportation, prisoners’ rights, and ending money bail.
  • Promoting mental health and wellness – Work to build mental healthcare systems that better serve Muslim communities and to reimagine what healing for Muslims can look like. This includes initiatives conducting research, building awareness, training and education, and coalition-building.
  • Building civic power – Work that supports Muslim leaders who are organizing communities, creating relevant civic media, training potential political candidates, mobilizing voters, and ultimately transforming our democracy to one that serves us all.

The Catalyze Grant process involves two key phases for new applicants:

  1. Submit your idea. Nonprofit organizations aligned with Pillars mission and at least one of our three focus areas above submit an idea by August 3 at 5 p.m. CT through our grant portal. These submissions will be reviewed by a team of community reviewers and Pillars staff.
  2. If invited, submit a full proposal. In late August, Pillars will notify organizations about the status of their submission. Invited organizations will have about four weeks to complete a full proposal. Awarded grants will be disbursed in early 2022.

We look forward to learning more about your work and exciting ideas! Click here to get started and to create an online account. And, we’d love to hear from you. Please send any questions to our team at grants@pillarsfund.org.



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